Rotary Birthday

The month of February is very special in the Rotary Calendar because it includes the anniversary of the first meeting of Rotary held on February 23, 1905. Paul Harris’ original concept was to give professionals with diverse backgrounds the opportunity to...
Community Service – CareNET

Community Service – CareNET

Club members volunteered on Feb. 10 to pack food for CareNet’s backpack program that provides food for students to take home over the weekend. We have a new workday to accommodate more members’ schedules. The new time is 4:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month....
Member Activity

Member Activity

In an effort to gain personal and club insight, this month’s Rotary Club activity on Feb. 7 was completing the “5-minute personality test” also known as L-O-G-B. The test was originally developed by Gary Smalley and Dr. John Trent in 1999. At the completion of the...
Special Liberty Project

Special Liberty Project

Jessica Merritt from Special Liberty Project presented the program at the Feb. 1 meeting. The organization’s mission is to foster and maintain a supportive community focused on nurturing Gold Star Families and healing veterans by connecting with nature. SPL has served...