On June 28, Rotary Club of Franklin members gathered to celebrate the past year with Paul Garner as president and to install Lee Berger as president for 2023-24. The installation event was held at J.R.’s Chophouse on Main Street in Franklin.

Lee became a member of our club in 2015 after the passing of her husband, Dr. Fred Berger in 2014; Dr. Berger became a Rotarian in 1975. “I feel like I have been a part of this club since we moved to Franklin in 1975,” Lee said. She has done public image work for the club and served as service committee chair.

Interesting note: Lee is serving as president 40 years after Dr. Berger served as president in 1983-84.

In keeping with this year’s theme of “Creating Hope in the World,” Lee also encourages having fun.

“Rotary’s motto is Service above Self and I hope that we will have fun as a club as we create hope in our world – and in our community. I want the club to not only help other groups in Franklin with financial contributions, but also help with individual service of our time.”